Dialogue by Tony (always-ready-for-date-night) Isabella. Read about Tony’s approach to writing Last Kiss here.
Color & special effects by Diego Jourdan Pereira. In addition to working as an artist for a zillion comic book companies, Diego has a thriving career as an author of trivia and puzzle books.
Original Vintage Art & Text

Art by Alex Blum & Matt Baker from the Hooks Devlin story in Fight Comics #39, Aug. 1945. Published by Fiction House.
Scene: Woman in a slinky, low-cut dress is holding a gun and looking intently into a somewhat foggy background.
CAPTION: Katrina spent hours getting ready. New hairstyle. Perfect makeup. Sexy dress. Shaved legs and pits. He never showed. That’s when she vowed…He’d never forget Date Night again!
1945 Art: Alex Blum & Matt Baker Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Writer: Tony Isabella
CAPTION: Katrina spent hours getting ready. New hairstyle. Perfect makeup. Sexy dress. Shaved legs and pits. He never showed. That’s when she vowed...He’d never forget Date Night again!
1945 Art: Alex Blum & Matt Baker Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Writer: Tony Isabella
Wow. Lots to unpack this time.
So the gang is flattened by a ‘huge, unwieldy piece of scenery’, which looks to be some plywood frames covered in gauze. Loose, clingy gauze that accentuates every contour. Look at those butts! Someone’s been Zumba-sizing.
Our hero saunters up, in a tux, and incapacitates them by bouncing up and down on those same prominent behinds. So…Hooks Devlin is Liberace?
Our hero is so busy ‘dispensing justice’, he fails to notice the goon who was pinned under the far right section of the ‘heavy, unwieldy piece of scenery’ in panel two has vanished by panel three. But that’s okay. So did the editor!
Anyway, while our hero is singlehandedly picking up the ‘heavy’ etc. etc. piece of scenery that knocked four grown-Zumbasized thugs to their reverse missionary positions in the first panel, the Yellow Floozy is slinking closer!
Now be honest. Before you read the tag line naming the hero, when you read the “Oh! Hooksie’s in trouble!” you thought blondie was talking about the woman in yellow, who is dressed like a hooker, didn’t you? Be honest.
I just want to applaud Fight Comics for graphically depicting the seedy, rough and tumble world of backstage Broadway musical street fighting. I never would have realized the violence that went on behind the scenes of a production of Meet Me In Saint Louis.
Soon to be a series on Investigation Discovery.
M. Confitures et Gelées
James 2:24
I’m flashing back to the Blues Brothers right now!
“… it wasn’t my fault!!”
“Oh, Jake…”
He’s called “Hooks Devlin” because his full name is “Armitage X. Devlin.”
The girl who says, “Oh! Hooksie’s in trouble!” is probably Peaches but he usually calls her “Birdbrain” or “Squirrel.”
In all fairness, I did a BING image search on “hooks devlin story” and looked at about a dozen pages of Hooks Devlin stories and he usually called her Peaches although twice he called her “Sugar.”
If you want to see the rest of the page and how Hooksie gets out of this in color go to : http://fourcolorshadows.blogspot.com/2015/06/hooks-devlin-special-agent-alex-blum.html near the bottom of the page. If you want to see it without color go to: https://comics.ha.com/itm/original-comic-art/panel-pages/alex-blum-matt-baker-and-the-iger-shop-fight-comics-39-story-page-6-hooks-devlin-original-art-fiction-house-1/a/121732-11016.s
I did an image search on Hooks Devlin Story and found about a dozen pages. In none of them does Hooks call Peaches anything except Peaches or Sugar. If you look you can find the entire page where Peaches saves the day and then slaps Hooks for being too interested in the women in the case.