Welcome to the fourth episode of our Abby Amour mini series. The genius penning these weekly, Friday episodes is the legendary Tony Isabella. If you missed the first episode, you can catch it here.
Original Vintage Art & Text

Art by Frank Frazetta in the story “A Love of My Own” in Personal Love #24, 1953. Published by Eastern Color. Curious to see more? Click the link to read the entire vintage comic book.
CAPTION: The Loves of Abby Amour
JOE: Gol dern it, Lt. Amour! I can’t be your beau! I’m assexual!
ABBY: Don’t you be exaggerating, Joe Cupid! At best, you’re a C-minus-sexual!
CAPTION: Abby did not take rejection well.
1953 Art: Frank Frazetta Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Writer: Tony Isabella
↓ Transcript
CAPTION: The Loves of Abby Amour
JOE: Gol dern it, Lt. Amour! I can’t be your beau! I’m assexual!
ABBY: Don’t you be exaggerating, Joe Cupid! At best, you’re a C-minus-sexual!
CAPTION: Abby did not take rejection well.
1953 Art: Frank Frazetta Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Writer: Tony Isabella
JOE: Gol dern it, Lt. Amour! I can’t be your beau! I’m assexual!
ABBY: Don’t you be exaggerating, Joe Cupid! At best, you’re a C-minus-sexual!
CAPTION: Abby did not take rejection well.
1953 Art: Frank Frazetta Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Writer: Tony Isabella
I’m sure he’d rather she debriefed him.
Well, if it was me, I’d be happy if she debriefed me. Joe, though, I don’t think he’d be interested.
*ahem* “Asexual” is “not involving sexual activity, feelings, or associations; nonsexual”. “Assexual” is…. I’m not sure, but it feels dirty 😉
Sigh. I’d happily promise to never make another typo in my life–but, let’s face it. I’d either end up breaking that promise or I’d have to die–immediately.
So, I’ll just resolve to do better.
You weren’t the first person to let me know about the mistake, but you were one of the most polite. So thanks, Rex.
And, yes! “Assexual” does seem “dirty.” (And just a little funnier than the real thing.)
Doh! 😀
Yeah, I forgot to say that I hope you leave it in.