Happy Labor Day from me and my frequent partner in hilarity Mike Pascale.
Original Vintage Art & Text

Art by Vince Colletta Studio from the story “The Gay Deception” in First Kiss #8, 1959.
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WOMAN #1: My Labor Day party will have beer, burgers, buns and wieners!
WOMAN #2: Buns and…wieners? You mean…
WOMAN #1: Yup! Male strippers from... Big Bob’s Sausage Bar!
1959 Art: Vince Colletta Studio New Color: Allen Freeman & Mike Pascale
Bouncers: Mike Pascale & John Lustig
WOMAN #2: Buns and…wieners? You mean…
WOMAN #1: Yup! Male strippers from... Big Bob’s Sausage Bar!
1959 Art: Vince Colletta Studio New Color: Allen Freeman & Mike Pascale
Bouncers: Mike Pascale & John Lustig
Not a boyfriend in sight? What about the imminent arrival of all the lads from Big Bob’s Sausage Fest? I mean, Bar!
Alice and Agnes… Mom wanted to name the third daughter Areola (mom’s maiden name) but a mix-up on the birth certificate put it in as her middle name. The birth certificate reads Guinevere Areola Fandango.
There was one brother, Fabian Finley Fandango III. Tragically killed in a freak accident while rehearsing for a high school musical production of Camelot. Their mother, Analese Astoria (Areola) Fandango never recovered mentally from his death and was institutionalized.
Their father, Fabian Finley Fandango Jr. was often absent in his career with the State Department leaving the raising of young Guinevere Areola to the tender ministrations of her sisters Agnes Adelia Fandango and Alice Amabel Fandango.
Later, after jilted at the alter by their fiance’s, Agnes and Alice took their musical and dancing skills on tour as the Fandango Sisters. Quite the act to be found at various high end gentleman’s clubs and private corporate board meetings.
Side note: The source for this Fandango family history was Acadia Abella Areola, Analese Astoria’s sister. Her dementia was quite advanced but were backed by my own research into the Fandango/Areola family histories. Thanks, Google.
After reading the above my wife said the equivalent of you have to stop this early morning drinking. I lied and said that I barely had a buzz on.
I explained to her about Acadia’s ramblings at the Happy Pain Ease hospice. A part time summer job at that facility gave me access to some interesting stories. Most of these people were being given some pretty strong “pain ease”. Some deathbed confessions to murders were obviously made up, some with the ring of truth but unverifiable.
Acadia’s ramblings included her accompaniment as the mistress of Fabian Fandango Jr. on a variety of classified State Department missions. Freedom of Information requests were honored but were heavily redacted.
Wow, it’s Bobbie Jo, Billie Jo and Bettie Jo from the Shady Rest Hotel.
Loved the idea of diving into that water tower.
Has anyone ever realized what the name of that TV show refers to?
“Petticoat Junction”