Happy New Year! (And good riddance to 2020.) I hope we all have much better years.
Many thanks to my frequent partner in holiday hilarity Mike Pascale for today’s gag—plus the art changes!

Art by Vince Colletta Studio. Appeared first in First Kiss #29, 1962.
SCENE: Woman holding baby (with a 2021 sash) who is also a boy and is wearing a quiver of arrows.
WOMAN: What the bow and arrow for?
BABY: I wanna make sure old-man 2020 doesn’t come back!
CAPTION: *Baby’s First Weapon™ now sold in the Nursery Section of the Last Kiss Store!
962 Art: Vince Colletta Studio Color: Allen Freeman
Archery Art & Killer Humor: Mike Pascale
↓ Transcript
SCENE: Woman holding baby (with a 2021 sash) who is also a boy and is wearing a quiver of arrows.
WOMAN: What the bow and arrow for?
BABY: I wanna make sure old-man 2020 doesn't come back!
CAPTION: *Baby’s First Weapon™ now sold in the Nursery Section of the Last Kiss Store!
962 Art: Vince Colletta Studio Color: Allen Freeman
Archery Art & Killer Humor: Mike Pascale
WOMAN: What the bow and arrow for?
BABY: I wanna make sure old-man 2020 doesn't come back!
CAPTION: *Baby’s First Weapon™ now sold in the Nursery Section of the Last Kiss Store!
962 Art: Vince Colletta Studio Color: Allen Freeman
Archery Art & Killer Humor: Mike Pascale
Woman: I’m going to have a dozen just like you.
Tommy: Listen Lady. A vagina’s not a clown car.
Is the baby in the top panel for hire? “I’ve got a little list. They’ll never be missed.”
Appropriate IMO to the current panels: