by John | Oct 19, 2014 | Blog

Art by Charles Nicholas & Vince Alascia from the story “Coffee and…a Kiss, Darling!” in FIRST KISS #8, 1959.
I asked my readers to come up funny comments to go with this art. And…wow! You folks came through with some great zingers.
I received submissions here on this website, my personal Facebook page and my Last Kiss FB page. (Thanks, everyone!)
I had a hard time choosing. So we ended up with a three-way tie for top honors—plus some fun honorable mentions. Congratulations, everyone!
The Winners
You have the last doughnut dear, that is if you think you can still fit in those pants afterward.
—Submitted by JVR
Man: You said you liked my buns, so here, have one on me.
Woman: Now I’m wondering about your cannoli!
—Submitted by Still Only 25 Cents
I enjoyed life… once! And look where it got me! A starring role in Last Kiss!
—Submitted by Korey Watkins
Honorable Mentions
Keep this doughnut chained to your neck, to remember me by.
—Submitted by Allen Gladfelter
WOMAN: Is this how you always pick up prostitutes…?
—Submitted by Matthew Fillbach
Oh, and can you make my coffee look like a muffin?
—Submitted by Allen Freeman
Well, at least eat this hockey puck for my amusement. Guy’s gotta have fun somehow.
—Submitted by Matthew Z. Wood
You expect me to put out for a donut..You better bring a whole lot more for this booty!
—Submitted by Eric Fur
Girl: “Better make that coffee to go. My pimp hates it when I’m late.”
—Submitted by Ed Bertoli
If I could afford to go out dancing, you think I’d be having an English muffin for din-din?
—Submitted by Ken Lafex
Give this magic crumpet to the one you love and he (or she) will swoon, bow down to your feet and won’t charge you more then 5% over retail after a $25 purchase on select items, restrictions apply. See bottom of crumpet for details and the number of your local Poison Control Center… just in-case.
—Submitted by “My Alter Ego”
Meanwhile, back in the present…
See the revamped version of this art and with new, funny dialogue in today’s Last Kiss Comic.
by John | Oct 16, 2014 | Blog

Artist unknown. Art from the story “Censored” in ALL TRUE ROMANCE #2, 1951.
You’ve invited a gazillion guests. But the catering budget for your wedding is only $67.95. The best way to make the food last is to...
—Have the police arrest most of the guests. (Start with the groom’s family. Those cheap SOBs give lousy gifts!)
—Explain that the food was prepared by terrorists. (The bomb squad has been called in.)
—Announce that you cooked everything yourself. You were only a little drunk at the time. And you’re almost sure you didn’t drop a bottle of poison in the soup. Well, at least not a whole bottle.
Meanwhile, back in the present…
See the revamped version of this art and with new, funny dialogue in today’s Last Kiss Comic.
by John | Oct 16, 2014 | Blog

Art by Charles Nicholas & Vince Alascia from the story “Coffee and…a Kiss, Darling!” in FIRST KISS #8, 1959.
Are you feeling funny? If so, I’m looking for a funny comment or a funny bit of additional dialogue from either character. Comment below. I’ll be post the winner on Oct. 22.
No prizes except my thanks and eternal world-wide reference for your wit!
by John | Oct 16, 2014 | Blog

Last Kiss contributor Mike Pascale Artist-Writer (left) with Game Buzz co-creator Jason M Davies at a Seahawks game.
Artist-writer Mike Pascale and I always team up for Halloween (and many other holidays) to create some wild Last Kiss humor. But many LK fans aren’t aware that Mike also does a funny webcomic (Game Buzz) about the Seattle Seahawks.

Click image to enlarge.
If you enjoy Mike’s work (or you’re a Seahawks fan) check out this YouTube video. The interview with Mike begins about six minutes into the podcast.
by John | Oct 14, 2014 | Blog

Art by Bill Ward from the story “I Danced with Heartbreak” from DIARY LOVES #9, 1951
So you like a boy and he’s dating a girl. (And she isn’t you.) Of course, she’s probably a gold-digging slut. And she probably deserves to be dropped down a mine shaft. But how can you be really sure?
Simple. If she answers “yes” to any of the following questions then go ahead and Google the nearest mine shaft:
1. Do you like money?
2. If there was a test could you prove that you’re a girl?
3. So, no one knows you’re here, right?
4. Wanna visit a mine shaft?
Meanwhile, back in the present…
See the revamped version of this art and with new, funny dialogue in today’s Last Kiss Comic.
by John | Oct 12, 2014 | Blog

Art by Bill Ward from the story “Rapture at Homecoming Time” in Diary Loves #8, 1951.
Oh, Stan! I thought you just wanted me for my body! I feel so…used!
Meanwhile, back in the present…
See the revamped version of this art and with new, funny dialogue in today’s Last Kiss Comic.