No 2023 SDCC for me, but Last Kiss goodies will be there!

No 2023 SDCC for me, but Last Kiss goodies will be there!

I’m sorry to say that I will not attending this week’s San Diego Comic-Con—again. But—health and commitments permitting—I fully intend to be back next year.

However, my friends at Prism Comics (Booth 2144) will once again be selling lots of Last Kiss fridge magnets (and a few Last Kiss tote bags) for me. So please stop by for some giggles.

And, if you buy some LK gifts for family, friends and yourself? I’m sure that will make your family, friends, yourself and—most importantly—me very happy!

John Lustig cracks up over “Omelet”  story on the Barks Remarks Podcast

John Lustig cracks up over “Omelet” story on the Barks Remarks Podcast

For the first time, I was a guest on Mark Severino’s wonderful podcast series Barks Remarks. Together Mark and I discussed one of Carl’s best short Donald Duck stories (“Omelet”) in depth. Panel by panel and often joke by joke. It was tremendous fun!

Here are a couple of ways to listen to the free podcast:



Free Download of the SDComic-Con Souvenir Book with an Article by Me

My memorial to my long-time friend Dana Gabbard is in this year’s San Diego Comic-Con Souvenir book. And it’s free via download here.

Previously, you had to attend this mother of all comic cons to get that year’s souvenir book. But this year the book is strictly digital and available to everyone who can click a link.

As for Dana, he was my longest friend in comics. We shared a passion for Disney comics and both of us had a hand in shaping Disney duckdom. But there was a lot more to Dana as both a person and a professional. Wanna know more? Click the frickin’ link!

What I’ll Be Doing in the Nervous Rex Series

What I’ll Be Doing in the Nervous Rex Series

I’m ecstatic to announce that I’ll be much more involved than I originally thought in the reprint series of Nervous Rex.

Before I explain what I’ll be doing, though, I should mention that the first issue of Nervous Rex is now ready for order in the Diamond Comics Preview catalog. (If you want a copy, ask your friendly, neighborhood comic shop owner to order it pronto!)

Drew Ford’s It’s Alive Press is reprinting William Van Horn’s entire 1980s comic book series. The plan is to reprint all 10 issues from the original series. Plus, print an additional comic (#11!), that collects all of Van Horn’s Rex comics—all of ’em in color—which appeared only in Disney Adventures.

In addition to new variant covers by Van Horn—colored by original series cover colorist Barbara Marker—there will be other art that never appeared in the original series. I’m curating that art and I’m also writing introductions for every issue.

I’m thrilled because Nervous Rex is a wonderful, witty and silly masterpiece that Van Horn did shortly before his long and better-known series of brilliant Disney comics. And because Van Horn played a huge part in my early comic career. And it all started when I got involved in helping plot the final issue of Nervous Rex.

By the way, It’s Alive is also offering 100 issues of #1 signed by Van Horn.

Last Kiss at Q Con & SDCC

Last Kiss at Q Con & SDCC

While I’m not back on the con circuit yet, Last Kiss products are. Prism Comics is selling Last Kiss fridge magnets and tote bags at it’s booth at Q Con—a new LGBTQ comic con in LA on Saturday, June 18. Free admission.

And, from July 20-24, 2022 they’ll also be for sale at Prism’s booth at Comic-Con International: San Diego.