Dance? Then Dinner?

Art by Vince Colletta Studio from the story "Girl Meets Boy" in FIRST KISS #11, 1952.

Art by Vince Colletta Studio from the story “Girl Meets Boy” in FIRST KISS #11, 1952.

What?!! The dance began and ended before dinner? Did they have drinks and sex before dinner too?

See the revamped version of this art and with new, funny dialogue in today’s Last Kiss Comic.


LAST KISS Appears on BIG BANG This Week? In THEORY…Yes!


I would like to say that Last Kiss is definitely, positively and absolutely going to be on the most popular comedy in America this week.

But I really won’t know until the season finale of THE BIG BANG THEORY airs this Thursday, May 7.

However, I can tell you that staff from the CBS show did contact my guy in Hollywood (John Fluke of Placed 4 Success) and request that I rush three pieces of Last Kiss art to them for this episode. So, we’ll see!

How Dare You?

Art by Vernon Green from the story "Love is to Blame" from BEST ROMANCE #7, 1952.

Art by Vernon Green from the story “Love is to Blame” from BEST ROMANCE #7, 1952.

Meanwhile, back in the present…

See the revamped version of this art and with new, funny dialogue in today’s Last Kiss Comic.

Last Kiss Pops on Bilgrey’s Blog


Writer-Cartoonist Marc Bilgrey has been a Last Kiss fan for many years and recently his enthusiasm burst out in the form of this wonderful post he did about me on his blog.

It’s always great when someone else in the business praises your work, but it’s especially nice when it’s someone as accomplished as Marc.

Marc has also written for comedians, nationally syndicated comic strips, and for TV. He’s also the author of fantasy-humor novels (And Don’t Forget To Rescue The Princess), numerous short stories, comic books (The New Tales from the Crypt) and a contributor to Mad Magazine.

Thanks, Marc!

Heartache in a Glass

Art (probably) by Jack Sparling from the story "Bottled Heartache" in GREAT LOVER ROMANCES #11, 1953.

Art (probably) by Jack Sparling from the story “Bottled Heartache” in GREAT LOVER ROMANCES #11, 1953.

Meanwhile, back in the present…

See the revamped version of this art and with new, funny dialogue in today’s Last Kiss Comic.