Original Vintage Art & Text

Art by Charles Nicholas & Sal Trapani from the story “Good Ole Joe” in First Kiss #1, Dec. 1957. Published by Charlton.
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Synopsis of the Original Story “Good Ole Joe”
from ComicBookPlus.com
Joe falls in love with Cam even though they’ve just met. When she leaves for Florida with her mother, Joe follows and proposes.
↓ Transcript
WOMAN: My folks say we’re too immature to get married!
MAN: Those stupid doo doo heads!
WOMAN: How can we prove we’re mature adults?
MAN: You could get pregnant!
WOMAN: That’ll do it!
1957 Art: Charles Nicholas & Sal Trapani Color: Allen Freeman
Not Pregnant: John Lustig
MAN: Those stupid doo doo heads!
WOMAN: How can we prove we’re mature adults?
MAN: You could get pregnant!
WOMAN: That’ll do it!
1957 Art: Charles Nicholas & Sal Trapani Color: Allen Freeman
Not Pregnant: John Lustig
We finally stopped for breath…and to get a look at each other….
…but since he didn’t have spinach in his teeth or a goblin hanging out the ol’ nostril cavern, I figured it’ll be fine and called it a day.
…Of course I had to ask him to gently lower me by my ankles, undo the straps, and flip me around first.
…And that’s when I realized he not only had one but two, TWO!!, penises!! All my years believing the best X-man character was still out there felt like they were worth it!
…And that’s when I realized what I had just done with my Grandpa!
…Because I have found that in sex, you want to leave the areas that are prone to cause the most disappointment until the tail end of the transaction.
…Because nothing says true love more than truthfully not being able to describe the guy you just banged to any cops who show up at the motel door the next morning.
Hey John. I’m curious. Would you say “Good Ole Joe” is the story you’ve drawn from the most? Not complaining. Just curious what single story holds that distinction.
Hmm. I never thought about it before you asked, Jams, but if it isn’t the most-used story, it’s gotta be close.
I remember when I was first doing Last Kiss I often concentrated on using art from the first few issues of First Kiss. And this is from First Kiss #1!
Oh and thanks for the quips, Jams. For me the highlight was the one with the X-Men reference.