Original art possibly by Charles Sultan. Cover of Jungle Comics, published by Fiction House, April 1940.




SCENE: Kaanga tries to stop a rampaging rhino. Tied to the rhino’s back is a woman.

KAANGA: So…feeling horny yet?

WOMAN: Yes! But…not for you!

RHINO: Grunt*

CAPTION: *I’m always horny. But I guess no one cares.

1940 Artist: Charles Sultan?
Restoration: John Lustig


↓ Transcript
SCENE: Kaanga tries to stop a rampaging rhino. Tied to the rhino's back is a woman.

KAANGA: So...feeling horny yet?

WOMAN: Yes! But...not for you!

RHINO: Grunt*

CAPTION: *I'm always horny. But I guess no one cares.

1940 Artist: Charles Sultan?
Restoration: John Lustig
