Happy Valentine’s Day!
Few pieces of Last Kiss art have been used as much—and have evolved as much—as the art in today’s comic. Many thanks to my pal Mike Pascale for continuing to find new ways to tweak and transform this vintage panel.
SCENE: Two flying cupids (with bows and arrows) talk in the foreground while in the background a man and a woman kiss. Both the man and the woman have arrows sticking out of their backs,
CUPID #1: You made a Democrat and a Republican fall in love? Amazing!
CUPID #2: And for my next trick…I’m gonna change my own diaper!
1962 Baby Art: Vince Colletta Studio Cupidization & Flying Fun: Mike Pascale
↓ Transcript
SCENE: Two flying cupids (with bows and arrows) talk in the foreground while in the background a man and a woman kiss. Both the man and the woman have arrows sticking out of their backs,
CUPID #1: You made a Democrat and a Republican fall in love? Amazing!
CUPID #2: And for my next trick…I’m gonna change my own diaper!
1962 Baby Art: Vince Colletta Studio Cupidization & Flying Fun: Mike Pascale
CUPID #1: You made a Democrat and a Republican fall in love? Amazing!
CUPID #2: And for my next trick…I’m gonna change my own diaper!
1962 Baby Art: Vince Colletta Studio Cupidization & Flying Fun: Mike Pascale
“After I get married, Tommy, I’m going to have a dozen just like you!..
…Except of course all mine will be good looking!”
…Since I don’t believe in birth control and like to sleep around.”
…One for each of my nipples!”
…Yes indeedy! It’s going to be quite the feast!”
…It gets cold sleeping in the van. So we need the extra body heat!”
…Because my husband’s a baker! And so we’ll have a baker’s dozen! Ha ha! Isn’t it great that I’ll consign my family to poverty just so I can have a fun story to tell in case I’m ever interviewed on Good Morning America?!”
…That’s right! Twelve Terriers! You are an American Hairless Terrier, right Tommy? It’s hard to tell really since my eyes are closed.”
And remember…You Can’t Spell Valentine’s Day without the letters V D.
Happy V D everybody.
Brilliant as always, Jams. Happy VD–or even Happy Valentine’s Day–to you too!
It’s always puzzled me why women (with modern birth control) would want to go through pregnancy again after the first horror of what growing an alien in your uterus entails.
12! Women should not be clown cars.
Ah! Dave, you already stole the joke I was going to steal!!
That’s a LOT of baby-making.