Blue Is the Color of My True Love’s…
The readers have spoken. Reaction–both here and on GoComics–to Friday’s He-She comic–was overwhelmingly positive. You folks want more comics with the original, vintage dialogue–as long as those comics are truly weird.
I need to search my archives and plan this out. But more weirdness is coming sometime in the next few weeks!
More Last Kiss fun from Tony Isabella & Diego Jourdan Pereira!
Original Vintage Art & Text
↓ Transcript
MAN: Goll-ee, that lady’s hair is as blue as my balls!
MAN: Maybe you gals can help me out with that?
WOMAN: Put on the brakes, slick!
WOMAN: But if you can keep it in your pants…
WOMAN: ...we might let you watch!
1958 Art: Robert Webb? Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Writer: Tony Isabella
MAN: Goll-ee, that lady’s hair is as blue as my balls!
MAN: Maybe you gals can help me out with that?
WOMAN: Put on the brakes, slick!
WOMAN: But if you can keep it in your pants…
WOMAN: ...we might let you watch!
1958 Art: Robert Webb? Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Writer: Tony Isabella