She Always Lands on Her Feet

She Always Lands on Her Feet

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Woman in a sexy cat costume: I'm a single, childless cat woman. You have a problem with that?
Art: Purrfect AI Cat Herder: John Lustig


That Was 1958, This Is Now!

That Was 1958, This Is Now!

I’m excited to present a new, reoccurring Last Kiss feature: “That Was Then, This Is Now!” I created it primarily to showcase the humor of long-time fan “fine jams and jellies since 1982.”
For years Jams has been making outrageously funny comments here on my website. I’ve turned a few into Last Kiss comics. But—because Jams’ quips are about the vintage comics on my site—most are best enjoyed when seen with those comics.
So I came up “That Was Then, This Is Now!” I hope you like it. More are on the way over the coming weeks and months.
Many thanks to Jams for all the hilarity and letting me adapt his quips.
—John Lustig


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Last Kiss Presents...
That Was 1958, This Is Now!
What the characters said in 1958...
And what they’d say now!

And once I convince him to drop that restraining order...we'll be together forever!
1958 Art: Dick Giordano New Color: Allen Freeman
New Dialogue: “fine jams and jellies since 1982” Edits: John Lustig

A Labor of Lust

A Labor of Lust

Happy Labor Day from me and my frequent partner in hilarity Mike Pascale.

Original Vintage Art & Text

Art by Vince Colletta Studio from the story “The Gay Deception” in First Kiss #8, 1959.

Curious to see more? Click the link above to read the entire vintage comic book for free on

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WOMAN #1: My Labor Day party will have beer, burgers, buns and wieners!
WOMAN #2: Buns and…wieners? You mean…
WOMAN #1: Yup! Male strippers from... Big Bob’s Sausage Bar!

1959 Art: Vince Colletta Studio New Color: Allen Freeman & Mike Pascale
Bouncers: Mike Pascale & John Lustig