Medicinal Tequila

Medicinal Tequila

Original Vintage Art & Text

Art by Frank Frazetta in the story “A Love of My Own” in Personal Love #24, 1953. Published by Eastern Color. Curious to see more? Click the link to read the entire vintage comic book.


Here’s a scan of Frazetta’s original line art.


The Abby Amour miniseries runs every Friday. Dialogue by Tony IsabellaIf you’ve missed any episodes, no problem. You can catch here:





SCENE: Johnny Sacko is driving Abby to the hospital in his Jeep.

LOGO: The Loves of Abby Amour

JOHNNY SACHO: You sure you wanna go to the base hospital, Lt.?
JOHNNY SACHO: I’ve got medicinal tequila in my barracks.
ABBY: I’d rather take my chances…
ABBY: …with the food poisoning!
CAPTION: To be continued…


↓ Transcript
SCENE: Johnny Sacko is driving Abby to the hospital in his Jeep.

LOGO: The Loves of Abby Amour

JOHNNY SACHO: You sure you wanna go to the base hospital, Lt.?

JOHNNY SACHO: I’ve got medicinal tequila in my barracks.

ABBY: I’d rather take my chances...

ABBY: ...with the food poisoning!

CAPTION: To be continued...
