Talking Turkey
Gobble! Gobble!
SCENE: Four turkey hens talking in the foreground. In the background is a male turkey.HEN #1: So, you and tom are “doing it?”
HEN #2: Yes. But he promised to marry me!
HEN #3: Really?
HEN #4: When?
HEN #1: The day after Thanksgiving!
Foreground Turkeys: Mikkel Bergmann Background Turkey: William Stark
Talking Turkey: John Lustig
↓ Transcript
SCENE: Four turkey hens talking in the foreground. In the background is a male turkey.
HEN #1: So, you and tom are “doing it?”
HEN #2: Yes. But he promised to marry me!
HEN #3: Really?
HEN #4: When?
HEN #1: The day after Thanksgiving!
Foreground Turkeys: Mikkel Bergmann Background Turkey: William Stark
Talking Turkey: John Lustig
HEN #1: So, you and tom are “doing it?”
HEN #2: Yes. But he promised to marry me!
HEN #3: Really?
HEN #4: When?
HEN #1: The day after Thanksgiving!
Foreground Turkeys: Mikkel Bergmann Background Turkey: William Stark
Talking Turkey: John Lustig