I Can’t Get Her Outta My Head!

I Can’t Get Her Outta My Head!

Today’s Last Kiss photo comic is adapted from a photo by Michael Jasmine on Unsplash.




SCENE: A bunch of skulls piled up in front of a window. They’re looking outwards.

SKULL #1: Wow! Look at the brainpan on that babe! Hubba hubba!

SKULL #2: I wanna jump her bones!

SKULL #3: I’d be head over heels in love–if I had heels!

Photo by Michael Jasmund Text & Lettering: John Lustig


↓ Transcript
SCENE: A bunch of skulls piled up in front of a window. They're looking outwards.

SKULL #1: Wow! Look at the brainpan on that babe! Hubba hubba!

SKULL #2: I wanna jump her bones!

SKULL #3: I’d be head over heels in love--if I had heels!

Photo by Michael Jasmund Text & Lettering: John Lustig


Top of the Food Chain?

Top of the Food Chain?

A new tale of comic terror (and indigestion) from Tony Isabella & Diego Jourdan Pereira!

Original Vintage Art & Text

Pencils by Mike Sekowsky from the story “Date with Scandal” Pencils in Intimate Love #28, Aug. 1954. Click link to read the entire vintage comic book for free.





SCENE: Man and woman with blood on their faces.

CAPTION: Sure, at first, “eating the rich” sounded like a fun idea for Jon and Nancy’s monthly date night.

CAPTION: But, to their dismay, greed and privilege leave an awful aftertaste.

CAPTION: Next month, they would go to Olive Garden.

CAPTION: 1954 Art: Mike Sekowsky Re-Creation: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Writer & Reformed Vegan: Tony Isabella


↓ Transcript
SCENE: Man and woman with blood on their faces.

CAPTION: Sure, at first, “eating the rich” sounded like a fun idea for Jon and Nancy’s monthly date night.

CAPTION: But, to their dismay, greed and privilege leave an awful aftertaste.

CAPTION: Next month, they would go to Olive Garden.

CAPTION: 1954 Art: Mike Sekowsky Re-Creation: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Writer & Reformed Vegan: Tony Isabella


Home Room Ghoul

Home Room Ghoul

From now through the rest of the month, I’m going to be featuring a lot of Halloween and horror humor. So if you’re feeling squeamish, close your eyes!

Today’s Last Kiss photo comic is adapted from a photo by Dollar Gill on Unsplash.
(Yeah. I added a snow blizzard to the original.)







SCENE: Skull-faced figure with long hair looks out towards us. The creature is wearing an orange, hooded sweatshirt with the hood up. It’s snowing.

SKULLFACE: Hi. I’m Darla. I sat behind you in Home Room. Remember telling me to drop dead? And that you wouldn’t date me ’til Hell froze over? Well… guess what?!!

Dialogue & Lettering: John Lustig

↓ Transcript
SCENE: Skull-faced figure with long hair looks out towards us. The creature is wearing an orange, hooded sweatshirt with the hood up. It's snowing.

SKULLFACE: Hi. I'm Darla. I sat behind you in Home Room. Remember telling me to drop dead? And that you wouldn't date me 'til Hell froze over? Well... guess what?!!

Adapted from a photo by Dollar Gill on Unsplash.

Dialogue & Lettering: John Lustig

Honeymoon Excitement

Honeymoon Excitement

Diego and Icha on their wedding day.

Last Kiss Artist Marries

I’m thrilled to announce that artist Diego Jourdan Pereira has lost his bachelor status and gotten hitched! He and his sweetie Maritza “Icha” Mardones Castillo were wed last Friday (Oct. 1) in Santiago, Chile where they both live.

The couple met in 2008 at a friend’s birthday party and eventually dated. But that first brush with romance didn’t stick. Years later they re-united and fell in love.

(By then Diego was re-inking and coloring romance art for Last Kiss. And I like to think that all that romance work had something to do with Diego and Icha finding true love.)

In addition to his Last Kiss work, Diego has worked on numerous other comics, coloring books and licensing projects for major publishers such as DC Comics. In the last few years, Diego has also become the author of numerous trivia and puzzle books.


Original Vintage Art & Text

Pencils by Charles Nicholas. (Inks possibly by Jon D’Agostino.) From the story “The End of the Honeymoon” in BRIDES IN LOVE #1, 1956. Click link to read this entire vintage comic book for free.





SCENE: A groom and bride are close–possibly about to kiss.

GROOM: Just think! We can spend our entire honeymoon in bed…reading comics.

1956 Pencils: Charles Nicholas Re-Creation: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Dialogue & Lettering: John Lustig



↓ Transcript
SCENE: A groom and bride are close--possibly about to kiss.

GROOM: Just think! We can spend our entire honeymoon in bed...reading comics.

1956 Pencils: Charles Nicholas Re-Creation: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Dialogue & Lettering: John Lustig


Think Big

Think Big

Original Vintage Art & Text

Art by Frank Tinsley from SKYMAN #2, 1942. Click link to read the entire vintage comic book for free.





WOMAN: I don’t mind if a man is a little short or a little bald! But if he has a little (Censored)…That’s a little too much!

1942 Art: Frank Tinsley Re-creation: Diego Jourdan Pereira



↓ Transcript
WOMAN: I don’t mind if a man is a little short or a little bald! But if he has a little (Censored)...That’s a little too much!

1942 Art: Frank Tinsley Re-creation: Diego Jourdan Pereira

