Grave Concerns
Here’s the first of several fun, horror photos by awesome Allen Freeman that I dialogued and will be running through Halloween. Want more fun? Check out model Cat Cello’s Facebook page.
I also have some other cool (non-photo) Halloween comics coming up. So, I hope you come back for the boos.
WOMAN DRESSED LIKE A SPOOKY BRIDE: I have grave concerns about our relationship!
Model: Cat Cello Photo: Allen Freeman
Text ©2019 Last Kiss Inc. Photo: ©2019 Allen Freeman
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WOMAN DRESSED LIKE A SPOOKY BRIDE: I have grave concerns about our relationship!
Model: Cat Cello Photo: Allen Freeman
Text ©2019 Last Kiss Inc. Photo: ©2019 Allen Freeman
Model: Cat Cello Photo: Allen Freeman
Text ©2019 Last Kiss Inc. Photo: ©2019 Allen Freeman