Fill in the Punchline

Fill in the Punchline

Okay, Last Kiss fans, what is The Thinker really thinking? Post your idea in a comment below!



SCENE: We see Auguste Rodin’s statue The Thinker thinking.
THE THINKER: I think I’m ____* Therefore…I am!
CAPTION: Fill in the blank:
*Happy as a clam in chowder! (Is that too
shellfish of me?)
*Always hard as a rock! (Time to call a doctor!)
*Unarmed by my love for the Venus De Milo!
*So freaking constipated!
*(Or…something so weird only a Last Kiss fan would suggest it!)
↓ Transcript
SCENE: We see Auguste Rodin's statue The Thinker thinking.

THE THINKER: I think I'm ____* Therefore...I am!

CAPTION: Fill in the blank:
*Happy as a clam in chowder! (Is that too
shellfish of me?)
*Always hard as a rock! (Time to call a doctor!)
*Unarmed by my love for the Venus De Milo!
*So freaking constipated!
*(Or...something so weird only a Last Kiss fan would suggest it!)