Last Kiss: Hidden History!
Hi. This is actually only Part 1 of a two-day celebration. (Part 2 is tomorrow!)
Thank you all so much for reading and making these 10 years (on GoComics and off) such an incredible experience for me.
And double thanks to any of you who have been following me and Last Kiss even longer. (Sometimes much, much longer!)
If I was gonna do triple thanks—and apparently I am—I want to say how much I appreciate the comments made on this site by fans. In particular I want to thank “Jam” whose comments are so wildly imaginative and funny that I’m sure he’s developed fans of his own. Kudos as well for memorable and frequent posts from Dave Dell. And so many others.*
I hope to keep this going for many more years!
*Including commentators—just to sample from recent posts—such as: Rudolf vonLuchen, Peter Bromwich, inventor, Tony, Wes & Rex.