Just Like Twins, Except…

Just Like Twins, Except…

Art by Vince Colletta Studio from the story "Make Believe" in FIRST KISS #7, 1959.

Art by Vince Colletta Studio from the story “Make Believe” in FIRST KISS #7, 1959.


WOMAN (to another woman): Except for me being smart and beautiful, you and I are a lot alike!

1959 Art: Vince Colletta Studio Color: Allen Freeman

↓ Transcript
WOMAN (to another woman): Except for me being smart and beautiful, you and I are a lot alike!

1959 Art: Vince Colletta Studio Color: Allen Freeman

I Forgot to Forget

I Forgot to Forget

Today’s comic is a playful reversal on the following gag:

I forgot to have children

It’s been used on a variety of merchandise over the years. And a lot of people have assumed I wrote it.

Nope. I wish I had.

I hope whomever did create it got fabulously rich—before the image got ripped off, re-drawn and re-used countless times. But, no—it wasn’t me.

However, I thought it was high time that I did my own version—with a bit of a twist, of course.

(Below is the original panel of comic art that I asked Diego Jourdan Pereira to redraw for today’s gag.)

Art by Alice Kirkpatrick from the story "Claimed by the Past" in CINDERELLA LOVE #11, 1952.

Art by Alice Kirkpatrick from the story “Claimed by the Past” in CINDERELLA LOVE #11, 1952.


SCARF-Wearing WOMAN (who’s very upset): Oh, no! I forgot to not have children!

1952 Art: Alice Kirkpatrick Re-Creation: Diego Jourdan Pereira


↓ Transcript
SCARF-Wearing WOMAN (who's very upset): Oh, no! I forgot to not have children!

1952 Art: Alice Kirkpatrick Re-Creation: Diego Jourdan Pereira


Onion Ring or Diamond Ring?

Onion Ring or Diamond Ring?

Art by Vince Colletta Studio from the story "Playin' It Cool" in FIRST KISS #12, 1960.

Art by Vince Colletta Studio from the story “Playin’ It Cool” in FIRST KISS #12, 1960.


SCENE: Young man and woman in car outside a hot dog stand.
WOMAN: Another cheap date? Great! the more you save the sooner you can buy me…An engagement ring!

SCENE: Woman holds out here ring finger.
MAN: Babe, right now, I can’t even afford onion rings!

SCENE: Man chomps on a hot dog as the woman looks on.

MAN: But someday I’ll buy ya’ a diamond ring as big as your appetite! And we’ll be eatin’ in joints so fancy that I’ll haveta apologize when I fart!

WOMAN: Hot dog!

1960 Art: Vince Colletta Studio Color: Allen Freeman

↓ Transcript
SCENE: Young man and woman in car outside a hot dog stand.
WOMAN: Another cheap date? Great! the more you save the sooner you can buy me...An engagement ring!

SCENE: Woman holds out here ring finger.
MAN: Babe, right now, I can’t even afford onion rings!

SCENE: Man chomps on a hot dog as the woman looks on.

MAN: But someday I’ll buy ya’ a diamond ring as big as your appetite! And we’ll be eatin’ in joints so fancy <Burp!> that I’ll haveta apologize when I fart!

WOMAN: Hot dog!

1960 Art: Vince Colletta Studio Color: Allen Freeman