How to Find a Man
Meanwhile, back in 1960 when this art appeared in First Kiss #12, here’s what was going:
Laurie is dating Rajah—hot, young rebel without a cause—or a pause. (He doesn’t wear a tie and he rides a scooter!)
Laurie’s parents don’t approve. And now Laurie and Rajah have decided to secretly elope. But Mom finds out!
↓ Transcript
SCENE: Young woman crying as her mother looks on.
YOUNG WOMAN: I need a man!
MOTHER: Have you tried police line-ups? That’s how I met your dad!
Art: Vince Colletta Studio Color: Allen Freeman
©2013 Last Kiss Inc.
YOUNG WOMAN: I need a man!
MOTHER: Have you tried police line-ups? That’s how I met your dad!
Art: Vince Colletta Studio Color: Allen Freeman
©2013 Last Kiss Inc.