The Fast Lane to Reality TV? Unreal!
Dear Future Celebrities:
Good news. You can become famous quickly and ridiculously easy. Here’s how:
Just do something outrageous. Do it in public. Throw in a bit of stupidity and sex (or violence) and — bingo. Instant fame. Enjoy it…while it lasts!
Or you can do something worthwhile. If you get famous for that then great! If not, well…at least you won’t be a total jerk!
↓ Transcript
SCENE: Man and woman talking to a young woman.
MAN: As actors we can’t get arrested! But as bank robbers we’ll
become reality TV stars...
WOMAN: If we don't get shot first!
MAN: As actors we can’t get arrested! But as bank robbers we’ll
become reality TV stars...
WOMAN: If we don't get shot first!