Widow Miss Muffet Part 11

Widow Miss Muffet Part 11

Click on image above to see spectacularly larger view of today’s comic.

I knew that “Widow” artist Dick Giordano drew and edited zillions of romance comics. But it wasn’t until I read Michael Eury’s biography Dick Giordano: Changing Comics, One Day at a Time that I realized how intimately comics and romance were intertwined in Dick’s life:

“In 1954 artist Sal Trapani [a Charlton Comics staffer] announced his marriage to an old classmate of Giordano’s and asked Dick to be in the wedding. At the ceremony, usher Dick Gordano was paired with bridesmaid Marie Trapani, the sister of the groom, and was instantly enchanted by her striking beauty. In a scene that played out of a romance comic story (minus the heartache), Marie caught the bride’s bouquet and Dick, her garter. The two began dating and very quickly fell in love, becoming engaged shortly thereafter…[Dick and Marie] were married April 17, 1955.”

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↓ Transcript
SCENE: Mitzi Muffet looks up and smiles at a handsome, older man who has crouched down and is smiling at her as he touches her chin. The man's chauffeur is in the background looking on with disapproval.

CAPTION (Mitzi completing her thought from previous panel): ...in love!

MAN (also completing his thought from previous panel): ...in love!

CHAUFFEUR: Not again, sir!

Love Yourself

Love Yourself

The “Widow Miss Muffet” storyline resumes tomorrow and wraps up Friday. In the meantime, here’s another mini-tribute to the artist of that saga and today’s comic, the late Dick Giordano.

“…Detective #457…showed me how much Dick Giordano was responsible for the greatness of those Neal Adams comics that I thought Dick had been ‘just inking’.  This was a comic drawn with beautiful realism, perfect line work, dramatic lighting, phenomenally beautiful women, and all the things that made those Neal comics wonderful, only Neal wasn’t around for this issue.  It turned out DICK WAS THE GUY who had been doing much of that all along.  And there was a subtle difference in the storytelling.  It was somehow more accessible, more “readable”, more directly told, than I was used to from this familiar style, and in many ways I LIKED IT BETTER!”

–Ty Templeton at http://tytempletonart.wordpress.com/2010/03/29/sad-to-hear-about-dick-giordano-passing-away/

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↓ Transcript
WOMAN: Being happy is easy! Just love yourself…preferably several times a day…with rechargeable batteries!

Widow Miss Muffet Part 10

Widow Miss Muffet Part 10

Click on image above to see spectacularly larger view of today’s comic.

“Dick [Giordano] holds the record of having inked more pages than any other artist in DC’s history. And this was from a man who had a full-time job, for most of his working years.

“For those of us who had the honor of working with Dick, you knew there was a unique quality about his leadership that made you feel like you could achieve anything…If he called you into his office for doing something stupid, you’d walk in shaking but walk out feeling like you were a million bucks.”

–Karen Berger, Executive Editor of DC Comics’ Vertigo imprint
from Berger’s March 29, 2010 memorium for Dick Giordano

Sprechen Sie Deutsch? To read “Widow Miss Muffet” and other Last Kiss comics in German click here.

↓ Transcript
PANEL 1, SCENE: Mitzi is stretched out on the ground unconscious in front of a luxury car. A chauffeur and a passenger are getting out of the car.

CAPTION: "Another inch and I'd have been the world's best dressed roadkill!"

PANEL 2, SCENE: A man (in silhouette) bends down to look at Mitzi. She's opened her eyes and she's smiling.

CAPTION: "It was a miracle! As soon as I opened my eyes, I knew I was...

MAN: Drop dead gorgeous! Good Lord! I think I'm...

Widow Miss Muffet, Part 9

Widow Miss Muffet, Part 9

Click on image above to see spectacularly larger view of today’s comic.

“My mother taught me, in subtle ways, about the superiority of women.

“I’ve always wanted to have female characters as my protagonists, not only because they’re sexy, but because I believe that women have a better role in the world. Men are more emotional than women; women learn to control their emotions, but men hold them in, and therefore, they’re more emotional because they won’t let them out–they won’t cry, they won’t yell, they won’t do anything but hit.”

–Dick Giordano
from Michael Eury’s Dick Giordano: Changing Comics, One Day at a Time

Art by Dick Giordano. Art and characters ©2010 respective copyright owners

Sprechen Sie Deutsch? To read “Widow Miss Muffet” and other Last Kiss comics in German click here.

↓ Transcript
SCENE: Mitzi Muffet has run out into the street without looking and is startled to see that a car is speeding towards her--only a few feet away.

MITZI: Oh, mother of god! No! I can't die like this! I'm not wearing clean underwear!


Widow Miss Muffet Part 8

Widow Miss Muffet Part 8

Click on image above to see spectacularly larger view of today’s comic.

More About Dick Giordano…

“Several [Charlton Comics] artists…did less than their best because they had to work faster to put food on the table, but Dick Giordano’s talent enabled him to be fast and still do great work…

“Dick was too good to stay at Charlton so he moved down to DC Comics…

“He worked hard and achieved a lot…He was willing to pay the price for success, long sleepless nights at the drawing board, long boring rides on the train, and the constant struggle to be the Last Man Standing in the DC office.

“I always admired Dick and what he achieved. I never envied him.”

–Joe Gill former Charlton Comics staff writer, December 2002
from Michael Eury’s Dick Giordano: Changing Comics, One Day at a Time

Covers by Dick Giordano. Art and characters ©2010 DC Comics

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