Soaking Wet Love

Soaking Wet Love

Original Vintage Art & Text

Artist unknown. From the cover of Romance Stories of True Love #51, Sept. 1958. Published by Harvey Comics.

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↓ Transcript
SCENE: A woman in the background watches a man in woman who are in the foreground. They all have umbrellas and it is raining---hard!

WOMAN (in background) thinking: Oh, no! He’s getting that hussy all wet! The nerve of him! He never even got me moist!

WOMAN (in foreground): Is it raining? I didn’t notice!

1958 Artist Unknown
From the cover of Romance Stories of True Love #51
Art Clean Up & Soaking-Wet Writing: John Lustig

Romance Stories of True Love #51_0


A Taser Tag Romance

A Taser Tag Romance

Original Vintage Art & Text

Art by Charles Nicholas & Vince Alascia from the story “Kiss Me Tonight” in First Kiss #7, Feb. 1959.

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↓ Transcript
SCENE: Woman in bed--dreaming/thinking of a man.

MAN (in dream): Ignore the restraining order! Stalk me!

WOMAN: I’m sure he’ll say that next time...instead of Tasering me!

1959 Art: Charles Nicholas & Vince Alascia New Color: Allen Freeman
Taser™ & Handcuff Salesman: John Lustig


Sex & Violence? Not Here!

Sex & Violence? Not Here!

More Last Kiss fun from Tony Isabella & Diego Jourdan Pereira!

Original Vintage Art & Text

Art by Matt Baker (and possibly inked by John Forte) from the Tiger Girl story in Fight Comics #50, June 1957. Published by Fiction House.

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↓ Transcript
LAST KISS DJP.LK759_fight_lores
MAN: Way back in the Golden Age of Comics…
MAN: ...we didn’t go for the sexy stuff!
MAN: Before every manly fight, the artists would take…
MAN: xacto knife and white-out to my nipples.
MAN: We didn’t want to distract our young readers…
MAN: ...from the kicking and the punching!

1957 Art: Matt Baker New Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Writer: Tony Isabella


Make-Out Maid Service

Make-Out Maid Service

Original Vintage Art & Text

Art by Nina Albright from the story “My Hotel Romance” in Cinderella Love #1, Jan. 1950. Published by Ziff Davis.

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ComicBookPlus Synopsis of the Original 10-Page Story: “My Hotel Romance”

(Spoiler Warning)

College student Joan takes a summer job as a waitress at a fancy resort hotel. Supervisor Miss Agness will fire anyone who speaks to a guest except in the line of duty.

Ross and Joan fall in love, even though he’s already engaged to wealthy Nikki. Nikki sees Ross and Joan together and has her dismissed.

Ross, a successful writer, buys a controlling interest in the hotel, dismisses the strict management, and will marry Joan.

Note from John about this story:This is what happens when writers become rich. They buy hotels to impress their dates. Alas, I can only afford individual motel rooms—one night at a time.

↓ Transcript
Man in tux embracing a French maid who seems either reluctant or distracted. Maybe both.

MAN: So you’ll sleep with me?

MAID: I-I guess long as I don’t have to...make the bed afterwards!

1950 Pencils: Nina Albright Re-Creation: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Often Sleeps with Himself: John Lustig


They Learned My Secret

They Learned My Secret

More Last Kiss fun from Tony Isabella & Diego Jourdan Pereira!

Original Vintage Art & Text

Inks and possibly pencils by Vince Colletta from the story “His Face Before Me” in Romance Stories of True Love #51, Sept. 1958. Published by Harve Comics.

Curious to see more? Click the link above to read the entire vintage comic book for free on

↓ Transcript
MAN: It’s my last day, Agnes. I’ve been fired as part of the new anti-DEI policies.
WOMAN:’re male and straight and really white.
MAN: They learned my secret. By day, I’m just another guy who’s barely adequate at this job. But, by night…
MAN: ... I identify as Wakandan.

1958 Art: Matt Baker?
& Vince Colletta
Color: Diego Jourdan Pereira
Writer: Tony Isabella

djp_LK753_Colletta_hires_Hair_eye_Dress Color Chages.tif